There are too many iPads, #iphones, and #apple Watches


A 10th-gen iPad in an Apple Smart Folio on a wood table.
I didn’t think buying a new iPad would require an advanced degree in cost-benefit analysis. | Photo by Dan Seifert / The Verge

Last week, I decided I was going to buy a new iPad.

There’s nothing wrong with the sixth-gen iPad I currently have, except it’s heavier than I’d like. All I want to do is watch my silly dramas in bed and for it to hurt less when I whack myself in the forehead while drifting off to sleep. It’d be nice to have a faster tablet for odd tasks where my iPhone screen is too small and my laptop is too large — especially on vacation. Besides, four years is a respectable amount of time to wait when all you want is a slightly faster (and perhaps more colorful) version of what you already got.

I moseyed on over to the Apple website. There was the ninth-gen iPad and the 10th-gen iPad. There was also the iPad Mini and the iPad Air. I’m not a Pro, but…

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