Miss the sounds of NYC’s subway? Check out this app


Daily Life In New York City Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Photo by Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images

A month into quarantine in New York City, software developer Evan Lewis found himself missing the subway. Maybe not so much the smells, but certainly the sounds. The screech of the brakes, the clack-clack of the train rolling over the tracks, the stern reminder to “stand clear of the closing doors please.”

“It was weird because pre-COVID-19 I would always listen to music on my commute to drown out the announcements and the music of the subway performers,” Lewis told me, “but when I stopped taking the train I realized I sort of missed those sounds!”

Assuming others were also missing riding the nation’s largest mass transit system, he created a soundboard app called NYC Subway Sounds. That way he (and others) could immerse themselves in…

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